BodyFokus GmbH
Ägidiusstr. 14
50937 Cologne

Authorized Managing Director: Martin Berg

Register court: District Court Cologne, Registernummer: HRB 82751
USt-IdNr.: DE297436928

Data Protection Officer:

SBS Data Protect GmbH
Hans-Henny-Jahnn-Weg 49
22085 Hamburg
E-Mail: info@sbs-data.de



If you have any questions about the product or if you have technical problems, please contact support@bodyfokus.co.uk via email. Note: The processing time for mails sent by post can sometimes take considerably longer for technical reasons. Therefore, we urgently ask you to send an email to support@bodyfokus.co.uk or call us. Following these steps would guarantee that every request will be processed promptly and competently.


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EU Commission online dispute resolution platform:

Last update: 05.11.2019

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